Friday, June 1, 2018

Check If SRV record is created or not in DNS

Check If SRV record is Resolved from any of DC so that will come to know Record is created in DNS for particular DC or Server.

nslookup -q=SRV _ldap._tcp. <domain name>

Example :

nslookup -q=SRV

Get logged in DC and sites name, domain of Active Directory User

nltest /dsgetdc:domain_name       

Example :
nltest /       

Active Directory : Check where the object was modified and how many times for particular user

repadmin /showobjmeta <NGUKDC8MDS004> " DN"


repadmin /showobjmeta DC1  "CN=BBN,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Administration,DC=US,DC=AD,DC=net"

Flush DNS, NetBios name and Kerberos

To clear DNS name cache you type in: IPConfig /FlushDNS
    To clear NetBIOS name cache you type in: NBTStat –R
    To clear Kerberos tickets will need KList.exe: KList purge

Powershell command will return all deleted objects from Active Directory

Get-ADObject -Filter {(isdeleted -eq $true) -and (name -ne "Deleted Objects")} -includeDeletedObjects -property *

With date range \\

[datetime]$StartTime = "8/1/2013"
[datetime]$EndTime = "9/1/2013"
Get-ADObject -Filter {(isdeleted -eq $true) -and (name -ne "Deleted Objects")} -includeDeletedObjects -property whenChanged | Where-Object {$_.whenChanged -ge $StartTime -and $_.whenChanged -le $EndTime}

[datetime]$StartTime = "8/1/2013"
[datetime]$EndTime = "9/1/2013"
Get-ADObject -Filter {(isdeleted -eq $true) -and (name -ne "Deleted Objects")} -includeDeletedObjects -property whenChanged | Where-Object {$_.whenChanged -ge $StartTime -and $_.whenChanged -le $EndTime}

Get list of Dcs with Seleted properties

Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Select Name, ipv4Address, OperatingSystem, site | Sort-Object -Property Name >C:\DC_Overview.txt

Get list of Dcs with All extra properties\\
Get-ADDomainController -Filter *

Get Domain Controller with all Properties of one DC\\
 Get-ADDomainController <dc name>

Get all the AD users and Computers

Get all the AD Users/  Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | export-csv C:\Users\bbn\Desktop\AD_Uerslist.csv

Get all the AD computers / Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties *  | export-csv C:\Users\BBN\Desktop\AD_Computerlist.csv